- There is a total of 14 character
- 7 avatar images of the military units (100x100 pixels, only upper body) to be used during the formation phase and in the “Army Composer”
- 7 in-game graphics (full body) of all these military units as they are represented on the battlefield (maybe roughly 40x60 pixels)
- Each of the 7 in-game graphic must have 3 associated animations
- Normal movement from field to field
- Attack motion (e.g. shooting an arrow, attacking with a sword etc.)
- Defense motion
- The in-game graphics should be flat-shaded vector graphics with little emphasis on their organic shape. In this way the units are easily identifiable on the battlefield.
- The avatar images should be more sophisticated vector or pixel graphics
- ALL graphics mentioned should not look playful or funny, but rather grim and ferocious.
- In addition, the military units should cast faint shadows onto the fields they are placed within in order provide a little bit more 3D illusion. It is enough to make short contact shadows at the unit’s
bottom side. No need to make a full length shadow of the entire unit’s body!